Image courtesy of Pennsylvania State Archives

Monday, October 4, 2010

Looking for a roommate?

Are you looking for someone to split your hotel room (and hotel room costs) with in Harrisburg? Please feel free to comment here with requests or offers. I'm borrowing NewArchivist's helpful tips:

Some useful info to add in your comment might be:

  • The dates you will be attending the conference

  • The hotel you have reserved or prefer to stay at (conference hotel, other area place, etc.)

  • Anything general you think is important for others to know (you prefer a female or male roommate, non smoker, early riser, you have a tendency to suffer from night terrors, etc.)

  • If you add your email address to the comment form you will be contacted if someone responds.

    You may also wish to add yourself to the Crash Space for Archivists listing.

    1 comment:

    1. I am looking for a roommate for Thursday and Friday nights. I'm a lady archivist, I can sleep through just about anything, and I promise not to draw silly pictures of you while you're unconscious.
